In imagining part II of Heart Wise, we want to build on the trust we established last fall, after coming out of 2 years of COVID.  Confidentiality, trust, spiritual formation, and personal growth are the foundation of this group.  This spring, we want to add in time for more personal processing as well.  While we appreciate what we have gleaned from Brene Brown, we won’t be revisiting her content for new direction.
We have a new format in the works, and you will want to bring your notebooks each week.  As we come together weekly, we will go deeper into the content, while adding in more experiential activities and opportunities to process our personal stories.  We will start at week 8 and work our way back to week 1 again.
We feel enthusiastic about what’s ahead and hope that each of you will be able to continue.  I do want to mention a few housekeeping things:
  • Meeting day and time:  Wednesdays from 9:00 – 11:00, fellowship and tea/coffee begins at 8:45.  This is half an hour earlier than last fall.
  • Calendar:  Class begins February 15 and ends April 12.  We will have a bye week for Springbreak on March 22
 PLEASE Mark your calendars now so that you remember-
 we are not meeting March, 22nd
The Countdown 🙂