Shame – Week 3

Shame is often turned inward in the form of self contempt..
We often think of the harm done to us as our fault. We can carry the sense of being damaged goods and not see clearly the culpability of others.

2 things to be ready for next Wed.

  1. To prepare for week three- OPEN the pdf below (or open each of the 4 image files)
  2. Take 20 minutes some time before Wednesday and look at each boat carefully. Pick the boat that describes the condition of your heart during the contemplative time of sitting and looking at the photos. Write a long paragraph opening up your understanding of why this picture is right for you.
  3. Read the quote in the yellow box below.

Note: Please don’t share the boat activity. It is something I compiled for my educational purposes and my counseling practice.

The above link opens in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

These individual pages are the image files if you do not have Adobe reader.

So often we are inclined to keep our lives hidden. Shame and guilt prevent us from letting others know what we are living. We think: ‘If my family and friends knew the dark cravings of my heart and my strange mental wanderings, they would push me away and exclude me from their company.’ But the opposite is true. When we dare to lift our cup and let our friends know what is in it, they will be encouraged to lift their cups and share with us their own anxiously hidden secrets. The greatest healing often takes place when we no longer feel isolated by our shame and guilt and discover that others often feel what we feel and think what we think and have the fears, apprehensions, and preoccupations we have.”

Henri Nouwen

Can You Drink the Cup?

ART FROM WEEK 2 — ANXIETY (notice the title of the work).

Sonia lives in London but her painting gives a nod to her Caribbean heritage.