Welcome to Heart Wise
Dates and topics of our group
Get to know Nita & Anne
Archive of the Weekly Prep Pages (2022)
Week One-Loss
Week Two-Anxiety
Shame – Week 3
WEEK Four- Empathy
Week 5- Awe and Wonder
Week Six-
Week 7- How Does The Heart Change?
Week 8- creativity
2023 Class/ Writings to Inspire
Holy Leisure Revisted
January Reflections from Nita
Welcome to Heart Wise
Dates and topics of our group
Get to know Nita & Anne
Archive of the Weekly Prep Pages (2022)
Week One-Loss
Week Two-Anxiety
Shame – Week 3
WEEK Four- Empathy
Week 5- Awe and Wonder
Week Six-
Week 7- How Does The Heart Change?
Week 8- creativity
2023 Class/ Writings to Inspire
Holy Leisure Revisted
January Reflections from Nita
Week One